Due to the events over the last few days it is important to me to re-visit what the intention of my blog is. The title of my musings is “The Journey.” I began by taking the road less traveled and it has rarely taken me where I thought I would ever go. There have been tears, fears, excitements, joys, ups and downs, twists and turns. Many times the journey has resembled a roller coaster instead of a road. But, none-the-less, it is my journey to reconciliation and life after Kimkins.
Part of my journey has been a steady plea to those still involved in the program to recognize the deceptions that have taken place and are continuing to be prevalent within Heidi Diaz’ statements and business practices. It has never been my intention to attack any one person for falling prey to those deceptions. I only plead with them to listen to reason and to open their eyes to the possibility that they too may have been taken in.
I was reflecting over my journey for the last few months and came across this post: “
The Excellence of Love” in which I go over a passage from 1 Corinthians 13. I am instructed to love. Love and forgiveness are the foundations of what gives my life purpose and clarity. They are what my Lord offers to me when I by no means deserve it. Who am I then, to withhold it from anyone else who has offended or done wrong by me? I cannot, because it goes against who I am and who God desires me to be.
This weekend I have communicated with the now former PR director of Kimkins, Jeannie Baitinger. She expressed to me her great grief over her involvement with Heidi Diaz. The following is an excerpt from a note she left me this morning:
“I was wrong to accuse you of any wrong doings. In fact, I can never apologize to you enough. You did say you forgive me and that means more to me than anything.”
“I will do everything I can to cooperate fully with John Teidt and that is a promise.”
“Your warmth and generosity really is amazing. I never expected you of all people to be there for me, yet there you were. I didn't deserve it at all… I was wrong, so wrong.”
Nehemiah 9:21“But thou art a God of forgiveness. Gracious and compassionate, slow to anger, and abounding in lovingkindness. And thou didst not forsake them.”
Jeannie, as we discussed, there are many questions to answer, and much to bring to light. I do forgive you, and without forgiveness, the path to our understanding would be foggy and indiscernible. Our clarity begins with an open heart.